About Anwer Jamai

  • Academic Level  Diploma
  • Age  33 - 37 Years
  • Salary  4536
  • Gender  Male
  • Position  Management and Administration
  • Viewed 61
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About me

I have License in Business Administration, and I have Twelve
years’ experience in FMCG and pharma industry. Experience
of managing accounts and business development in Tunisia
and West Africa. Demonstrated ability to grow business and
create opportunities. Analytical and organized with the proven
ability to identify customer needs, make recommendations,
and implement effective solutions. Self-starter and persuasive
communicator. Expert presenter, negotiator, able to forge solid
relationships with strategic partners. Fluent in Arabic, French
and Upper-Intermediate English, and Portuguese. Proficient in
Word, Excel, PowerPoint Access.

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  • 2015 - Present
    Pharmalys swiss

    Medical Representative

    Promote a Swiss made Infant Milk Formula to HCPs (Pediatricians, GPs, Nutritionist, Pharmacists ) in the north west region
    of Tunisia.
    • Performed in the top of sales representatives in 2020 and
    2021 in the company.
    • Collaborated directly with potential clients, and building
    trust that resulted in 7 years customer loyalty on average.
    • Implenting marketing projects to improve awareness and
    increase inbound customer interest, resulting in 40% revenue
    beyond targets.
    • Managing Hospital tenders.
    • Attending National and international congresses annually,
    building relations with internal and external stakeholders.
    • Attending Job training events, including courses, symposiums and workshops that improved job performance by 20%.
    • Launching a New innovative Infant Milk Formula (Primalac
    Ultima) in the North West Region of Tunisia.
    • Ensuring a weekly sales report.

  • 2014 - 2015
    IPRAD Laboratory (France)

    Pharmaceutical Representative

    December 2014 – September 2015:
    • Launching of a range of a French made products on the
    Tunisian market (Maternov Nausea and vomiting).
    • Managing sales of laboratory products in eight Tunisian
    governorates with wholesalers and
    • Ensuring Training for pharmacists and laboratory assistants.

  • 2011 - 2012
    Group Afrifood Kinshasa DRC

    Marketing director

    • Managing a team of 18 salesman based in 18 sales points in
    Kinshasa (Central Market, City)
    • Managing FMCG portfolio (delivery follow-up, discounts,
    conducting marketing campaigns ).
    • Preparing an annual budget; scheduling expenditures; analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions.
    • Determines annual and gross-profit plans by forecasting and
    developing annual sales quotas for regions.
    • Identifies marketing opportunities by identifying consumer
    requirements; defining market, competitor’s share, and competitor’s strengths and weaknesses; forecasting projected
    • Launching and promoting new products on the Congolese
    market (Mayonnaise GOVA)
    • Liquidation of products (PELE coffee, Avena Corned Beef,

  • 2011 - 2012
    Angola Steel Corporation Luanda Angola:

    Sales Agent

    October 2011-March 2012: Angola
    • Launching of new products on the Angola market (Evita
    mantegua, Omo Top, Winner Soap,
    Evita Oil, Evita Sardines)

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Candidate Reviews

Situation (Approved or not from LCATEAM)

His English is not good He has experience in Kongo His salary expectation 4500$

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